Nella sezione 10 Days puoi trovare online partite di scacchi

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 706 : 01.12.2022

Partite di scacchi 5521
Tornei di scacchi 55

Visualizza tutti i tornei inclusi

BEL, 1st Leaque 2022/23 round 4

TCh-BEL 2022-23 Belgium BEL Sun 25th Sep 2022 - Sun 30th Apr 2023
Leading Round 4 (of 11) Standings:
1Roch. Eupen-Kelmis 1822.5
2KBSK Brugge 1822
3Wirtzfeld 1625
4Wetteren 1619
5Wachtebeke 1617.5
6TSM Mechelen 1415.5
7CRELEL Liege 1314
8KGSRL 1312.5
9KOSK Oostende 1213
10Brasschaat 1211
11T.A.L. 1010
12CREC Charleroi 1010
12 teams


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