Nella sezione 10 Days puoi trovare online partite di scacchi

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 761 : 10.06.2024

Partite di scacchi 8622
Tornei di scacchi 46

Visualizza tutti i tornei inclusi

Braunfels GER, Team Ch (w) 2024

Deutsche Frauen-Mannschaftsmeisterschaft (LV) 2024

Organizer(s) : Deutscher Schachbund e,V.
Tournament Director : Nadja Jussupow
Chief Arbiter : Nadja Jussupow 4649435
Deputy Chief Arbiter : Dan-Peter Poetke 4680081
Town : Braunfels
Date : 2024/05/30 To 2024/06/02

Final ranking

Rank Team               Gam. + = - MP MPSum Pts. 
   1 Bayern I              5 4 1 0 9   31   30½  
   2 Schleswig-Holstein    5 4 0 1 8   29   25½  
   3 NRW                   5 3 1 1 7   32    26  
   4 Baden-Wuerttemberg    5 3 1 1 7   30    24  
   5 Sachsen               5 3 1 1 7   25    24  
   6 Berlin                5 3 0 2 6   25    21  
   7 Bayern II             5 2 1 2 5   23    19  
   8 Hamburg               5 2 0 3 4   27    19  
   9 Hessen I              5 2 0 3 4   27    16  
  10 Rheinland-Pfalz       5 2 0 3 4   23   16½  
  11 Thueringen            5 2 0 3 4   17   19½  
  12 Niedersachsen         5 1 1 3 3   25    17  
  13 Saarland              5 1 0 4 2   17    9½  
  14 Hessen II             5 0 0 5 0   19   12½ 


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