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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 310 : 01.12.2011

Partite di scacchi 6060
Tornei di scacchi 53

Visualizza tutti i tornei inclusi

Bugibba MLT, Open 2011

Rk      SNo    Name                  Ti     Rtg     Pts    TB1     TB2
1       7      Brynell, Stellan      GM     2495    7.5    50.5    426
2       2      Epishin, Vladimir     GM     2543    7      56      438.5
3       1      Burmakin, Vladimir    GM     2588    7      55      458.5
4       3      Teske, Henrik         GM     2529    7      54.5    435
5       4      Rausis, Igor          GM     2497    7      52      430
6       16     Lund, Silas           IM     2388    7      51.5    432.5
7       5      Heberla, Bartlomiej   GM     2526    7      49.5    423
8       8      Smith, Axel           IM     2488    6.5    50      434.5
9       19     Ziegler, Ari          IM     2341    6.5    49.5    400.5
10      26     Sucher, Johannes             2200    6.5    45      417.5
11      6      Luther, Thomas        GM     2515    6      53.5    431.5
12      12     Hanley, Craig A       IM     2415    6      53      443.5
13      22     Joie, Sebastien              2249    6      52.5    425.5
14      10     Kristiansen, Jens     IM     2439    6      52.5    425
15      18     Kiss, Pal             IM     2362    6      51      423.5
16      29     Erdelyi, Tamas        IM     2165    6      49.5    395
17      9      De Verdier, Michael          2386    6      46.5    400.5
18      23     Krantz, Christopher          2248    6      46      416
19      21     Valles, Manuel               2259    6      45.5    403.5
20      34     Richardson, Keith B          2137    6      44.5    390
21      31     Lang, Ferdinand              2154    6      42.5    383.5
22      36     Zerafa, Patrick       CM     2087    6      42      408.5
23      11     Quillan, Gary         IM     2416    5.5    52      416.5
24      13     Shkapenko, Pavel      IM     2413    5.5    50      419
25      24     Angskog, Kent                2215    5.5    50      403.5
26      14     Ibrahim, Hatem        IM     2412    5.5    50      392.5
27      27     Frisk, Ellinor        WFM    2184    5.5    49.5    417.5
28      32     Van Foreest, Jorden          2153    5.5    47      394
29      25     Spence, David                2211    5.5    45.5    390.5
30      35     Amos, Frank                  2131    5.5    45.5    384.5
31      33     Pace, Colin           CM     2152    5.5    44.5    406.5
32      37     Farrand, Julian T            2123    5.5    44.5    375
33      77     Greevenbosch, Henk           0       5.5    44.5    361
34      66     Ditmas, Hugh                 1924    5.5    43.5    390
35      41     Pliev, Vladimir              2080    5.5    42.5    390
36      59     Shepherd, Michael            1992    5.5    42      396
37      44     Witte, Ronald                2063    5.5    42      389.5
38      55     Pettersson, Alexander        1972    5.5    40      375.5
39      51     Zerafa, Robert               2017    5.5    39.5    382
40      17     Mikkelsen, Nikolaj    IM     2381    5      55      375
124 players


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