Nella sezione 10 Days puoi trovare online partite di scacchi

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 710 : 10.01.2023

Partite di scacchi 6827
Tornei di scacchi 48

Visualizza tutti i tornei inclusi

Hastings ENG, Weekend Open Jan 2023

Rank SNo.    Name                   Rtg FED Club     Type  Gr  Pts Res. Vict BH. BH.  SB   
   1    2 IM Clarke Brandon Gi     2450 ENG K             2550  5   0    5   13  12  12,00 
   2   18    Saunders Aron         2052 ENG K             2203  4   0    4   13½ 12  10,00 
   3    3 IM Garcia Martin Marta   2301 ESP               2388  4   0    3   15½ 13½ 12,00 
   4    7    Altenhof Martin       2159 GER          S50        4   0    3   11½ 9½  9,50  
   5    1 GM Korneev Oleg          2481 ESP               2590 3½   0    3   18  16  9,50  
   6   16    Wilks Simon           2072 ENG K             2202 3½   0    3   12  11½ 6,75  
   7    5 IM Large Peter G         2268 ENG H             2341 3½   0    3   12  10½ 6,75  
   8   24    Lesniowski Paul A     2008 ENG               2008 3½   0    3   10½ 9½  8,25  
   9    9    Stoica Savas Marin    2150 ENG K             2236 3½   0    2   15½ 14  10,00 
  10    6    Hill Alistair         2172 ENG               2270 3½   0    2   15½ 13  10,75 
  11   15 CM Lock Gavin R          2091 ENG K             2170 3½   0    2   13  11  9,00  
  12   22 IM Marusenko Petr        2041 UKR                    3½   0    2   12½ 10½ 8,50  
  13   10    Verma Shlok           2142 ENG                     3   0    3   16  14  7,00  
  14   17    Rushbrooke Remy       2062 ENG H             2235  3   0    3   15½ 14½ 6,50  
  15   12    Hutchinson Paul A     2135 ENG                A    3   0    3   13½ 11½ 7,00  
  16   23    Lukosius Rolandas     2041 LTU K             2082  3   0    2   13½ 11½ 7,50  
  17   14    Wilson Jaimie         2100 ENG K             2200  3   0    2   12½ 11  6,25  
  18   29    Shearsby Jude         1906 ENG K             2066  3   0    2   10½ 9½  4,25  
  19   21    Compton Alistair      2043 NZL               2107  3   0    2   10½  9  5,75  
  20   25    Keohane Benedict A    1974 ENG               2098 2½   0    2   14½ 12½ 4,25  
  21   37    Faulkner Martin J     1788 ENG               1947 2½   0    2   14  12  5,75  
  22   36    Patel Zain            1806 ENG K             1955 2½   0    2   11½ 10  4,25  
  23   33    Badacsonyi Stanley    1856 ENG K             2062 2½   0    2   11  10½ 3,50  
  24   48    Moss Thomas D         1574 ENG H             1677 2½   0    2   10½ 10  3,50  
  25   47    Simms Jake            1602 ENG               1602 2½   0    2   10½  9  3,75  
  26   35    Pal Rohan             1831 ENG K             2026 2½   0    2   10  9½  2,50  
  27   51    Sharma Josh           1539 ENG H             1593 2½   0    1   11½ 10  5,00  
  28   11 FM Eames Robert S        2136 ENG K             2220  2   0    2   14  12½ 4,00  
  29   41    Rushbrooke Tibo       1747 ENG H             1923  2   0    2   12½ 11½ 3,50  
  30   32    Dasgupta Avyukt       1859 ENG K             1976  2   0    1   14  13½ 4,75  
  31    8    Broom Mark            2150 ENG H             2135  2   0    1   14  12½ 4,00  
  32   28    Khoury Theo           1917 ENG K             2064  2   0    1   13  12½ 3,50  
  33   46    Britnell Jonathan     1653 ENG               1936  2   0    1   13  12  4,75  
  34   40    Mcdonnell James J     1758 IRL H             1915  2   0    1   12½ 11½ 4,25  
  35   45    Sivanandan Bodhana    1718 ENG Harrow         A    2   0    1   12½ 11  4,00  
  36   49    Banerjee Supratit     1572 SCO K             1711  2   0    1   10  9½  3,25  
  37   13    Varnam Liam D         2110 ENG               2175  2   0    1   9½   8  3,75  
  38   26    Badacsonyi Frankie    1969 ENG K             2183 1½   0    1   13½ 11  3,75  
  39   34    Cove Henry            1840 ENG H             1968 1½   0    1   13  11½ 2,50  
  40   39    Figueroa Edison       1762 ENG K              A   1½   0    1   12½ 11  2,75  
  41   42    Butt Laurence A       1740 ENG               1901 1½   0    1    9  8½  1,75  
  42   43    Wilson Matthew R      1722 ENG K             1882 1½   0    0   13½ 11  4,00  
  43   31    Moore Garfield        1888 ENG Charlton       K   1½   0    0   10½  9  3,00  
  44   27    Dunne Thomas Junior   1918 IRL                    1½   0    0   10  9½  2,75  
  45   19    Pousada Garcia Daniel 2049 ESP Bolton         P    1   0    1   14½ 12½ 0,00  
  46   52    Dewangan Aayush       1472 ENG K             1771  1   0    1   14  12  3,50  
  47   44    Amoros Pierre         1721 FRA                     1   0    0   10½ 9½  2,50  
  48   30    Ortiz Sanchez Luis    1895 ESP K             2024  ½   0    0   12½ 11  1,75  
  49    4 FM Haydon David L        2289 ENG H             2379  ½   0    0   11½ 10  1,50  
  50   20    Petersons Janis       2047 ENG               2000  ½   0    0   10   9  0,75  
  51   50    Ortolani Paolo        1548 ITA               1678  0   0    0   10   9  0,00  
  52   38    Heath Chris W         1766 ENG Horsham        K    0   0    0   9½  8½  0,00


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