Nella sezione 10 Days puoi trovare online partite di scacchi

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 644 : 10.03.2021

Partite di scacchi 1658
Tornei di scacchi 17

Visualizza tutti i tornei inclusi

Managua NCA, Men Ch SF 2021

Rank SNo.     Name                              Rtg FED Pts Res. 
   1    2 FM  Salazar Cabezas Alberto Javier   2107 NCA  7   0   
   2    3     Diego Humberto                   2076 NCA  6   0   
   3    1     Espinoza Felix                   2139 NCA 5½   0   
   4    4 FM  Pilarte Rene                     2069 NCA 5½   0   
   5    8 CM  Castillo Sevilla Ian Eiffel      1953 NCA 5½   0   
   6    6 FM  Izaba Rodolfo                    2009 NCA 5½   0   
   7   11     Flores Manuel                    1899 NCA 5½   0   
   8    9     Quintanilla Marvin               1925 NCA  5   0   
   9   10     Cano Carlos                      1902 NCA  5   0   
  10   16     Garcia Antonio (Nca)             1814 NCA  5   0   
  11   13 WIM Granados Diaz Maria Esther       1887 NCA  5   0   
  12   19     Martinez Romero Luis             1740 NCA  5   0   
  13    5     Arevalo Lopez Josue              2037 NCA 4½   0   
  14   22     Shipley Ronny                       0 NCA 4½   0   
  15   18     Zelaya Aguilera Cristian Ignacio 1752 NCA  4   1   
  16   20     Espinoza Juan Carlos             1700 NCA  4   0   
  17   17     Quintero Armando                 1806 NCA 3½   0   
  18    7     Escobar Edgar Antonio            1954 NCA 3½   0   
  19   14     Aburto Santiago                  1875 NCA 3½   0   
  20   15     Avalos Carlos                    1854 USA 3½   0   
  21   21     Vanegas Lopez Natanael Emanuel   1470 NCA  2   0   
  22   12     Ialovoi Thomas                   1898 NCA  ½   0


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