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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 769 : 01.09.2024

Partite di scacchi 13763
Tornei di scacchi 85

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Newport WLS, Open Aug 2024

2024 Newport Open

Organizer(s) : David Norris
Tournament Director : David Norris
Chief Arbiter : FA Igor Doklestic
Deputy Chief Arbiter : NA Hannah Richmond
Arbiter : NA Chris Strong
Town : Newport
Rating-Ø : 1917
Date : 2024/08/16 To 2024/08/18

Final ranking

Rank SNo.    Name                        Rtg FED Pts Res. WIN BH  BH/C1  SB   
   1   25    Hill Andy                  1904 ENG  4   0    4  11   10½  8,00  
   2   13    Homer Stephen J            1996 ENG  4   0    4  11   10   7,50  
   3    4    Lentzos Ioanis             2119 GRE  4   0    3  17   15   13,00 
   4    1 IM Beaumont Chris R           2183 ENG  4   0    3  16½  14   12,50 
   5   11    Crawford Owen              2010 ENG  4   0    3  15   13   11,00 
   6   19    Duke Dillan                1957 ENG  4   0    3  14   13   11,25 
   7    6    Chan Sheng Liang Bernard   2093 MAS  4   0    3  14   13   10,00 
   8    5    Stubbs Oliver              2114 ENG 3½   0    3  15   12½  9,75  
   9    3 FM Varley Peter               2123 WLS 3½   0    3  14½  13½  10,00 
  10    2    Brown Thomas               2139 WLS  3   0    3  14½  12½  7,50  
  11   20    Tapp James                 1939 ENG  3   0    3  14   12½  7,50  
  12   15    Fathallah Joe              1992 WLS  3   0    3  12   10½  6,00  
  13   21    Zhang Junyi                1936 ENG  3   0    3  11   10½  4,00  
  14    7    Cave Iwan                  2047 WLS  3   0    3  10    9   5,50  
  15   24    Wastney Dylan              1910 ENG  3   0    3  9½   8½   4,50  
  16   10    Pleasants Allan J          2013 WLS  3   0    2  14½  13   7,00  
  17    8    Davis Colin                2046 ENG  3   0    2  14½  12½  6,75  
  18   16    Gomez Daniel               1987 ENG  3   0    2  14   12   7,75  
  19    9    Thomas Joseff              2043 WLS  3   0    2  12½  11½  5,50  
  20   22    Wu Yuxuan                  1933 WLS  3   0    2  12   10   6,50  
  21   44    Kong Emma Zihan          F 1698 WLS  3   0    2  11½  10   5,75  
  22   27    Szakmany Bence             1901 WLS 2½   0    2  12½  11   4,75  
  23   18    Meek Stephen J             1970 ENG 2½   0    2  12   11   5,75  
  24   14    Thomas Jac                 1996 WLS 2½   0    2   9    8   5,00  
  25   23    Jukes Sam                  1915 WLS 2½   0    2   9    8   4,25  
  26   32    Tuson Jon                  1842 WLS  2   0    2  15½  14   3,00  
  27   39    Gillings Matthew           1750 ENG  2   0    2  14½  13   3,00  
  28   28    Brewer Ben                 1895 WLS  2   0    2  12   11½  2,50  
  29   36    Dixon Chris                1799 WLS  2   0    2  12   11   3,50  
  30   26    May Adam J                 1903 WLS  2   0    2  11½  10½  2,50  
  31   42    Hu Junyan                  1720 ENG  2   0    2  10½  10   3,50  
  32   33    Mcghee David               1831 WLS  2   0    1  14   12   4,50  
  33   12    Young Alan                 2005 WLS  2   0    1  13½  11½  4,25  
  34   37    Chong Kimberly           F 1782 WLS  2   0    1  10    9   3,00  
  35   40    Holmes Matthew A           1747 ENG  2   0    1  10    9   2,75  
  36   45    Richards Gareth            1588 WLS 1½   0    1  13½  11½  3,75  
  37   31    Turner Joseph David        1862 WLS 1½   0    1  13½  11   3,75  
  38   41    Connolly Dave              1730 WLS 1½   0    1  11½  10½  3,75  
  39   38    Acharya Kandara          F 1753 ENG 1½   0    1  10½  10   2,00  
  40   29    Perrin Brent               1879 ENG  1   0    1  14   12½  3,00  
  41   35    Mcbeath Joel               1806 ENG  1   0    1  13½  11½  2,50  
  42   43    Powell-Jones Liam          1718 WLS  1   0    1  11½  10   2,50  
  43   30    Day Jonathan A             1874 ENG  1   0    0  12½  10½  2,75  
  44   34    Berkley Stephen W          1817 ENG  1   0    0  12½  10½  2,25  
  45   17    Garcia Jason               1980 WLS  0   0    0  8½   7½   0,00  


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