Nella sezione 10 Days puoi trovare online partite di scacchi

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Important: The 10 Days database will be discontinued on January 1st, 2025 and will not receive further updates.

10 Days 742 : 01.12.2023

Partite di scacchi 7177
Tornei di scacchi 65

Visualizza tutti i tornei inclusi

Sunnyvale USA, Thanksgiving GM 2023

Sunnyvale USA, Thanksgiving GM 2023  2023

                                    -----------------------------------  Yan,Nathan                 2202     4.5/9
                                    |   -------------------------------  Rajaram,Rohan              2141     3.5/8
                                    |   |   ---------------------------  Tang,Dylan                 2234     3.5/9
                                    |   |   |   -----------------------  Yu,Jiangwei                2366     3.0/8
                                    |   |   |   |   -------------------  Guo,Andrew                 2268     3.0/8
                                    |   |   |   |   |   ---------------  Jiang,Lucas                2275     2.0/9
                                    |   |   |   |   |   |   -----------  Dai,Xuli                   2057     2.0/4
                                    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   -------  Sathish,Pranav             2412     1.5/7
                                    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   ---  Shivakumar,Shawnak         2320     0.5/5
                                    |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   |   
 1 Sheng,Joshua               2454  ½   1   1   1   ½   1       ½   1      6.5/8
 2 Stopa,Jacek                2351  1   ½   ½   1   ½   1       ½   1      6.0/8
 3 Delgado Ramirez,Neuris     2515  0   ½   ½   1   1   1       1   1      6.0/8
 4 Jimenez Garcia,Emmanuel    2390  0   ½   ½   1   1   1       1          5.0/7
 5 Stearman,Josiah            2451  ½   ½   ½   ½       1   1   1          5.0/7
 6 Perdomo,Leandro            2392  1   ½   ½   0   ½   ½   ½   1          4.5/8
 7 Mosquera,Miguel            2371  ½   ½   1   0   ½   1   0       1      4.5/8
 8 Languidey,Simon Alejandro  2416  1   ½   ½       ½   ½           ½      3.5/6
 9 Terao,Rodrigo Akira        2386  0       ½   ½   ½   0   ½   ½          2.5/7


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